It's exciting to release new products. But unless you announce your new item to your customers, you won't get many (or any) sales. That's why you need product launch emails- to excite and sell to your audience.
There are many ways to write this kind of email. But today, I want to share a stellar example I received a few weeks ago.
I’ve talked about how much I love Son de Fleur’s emails before. This new product email is no exception. So today, I want to break down what they did, why it worked, and how you can do the same for your business.
Son de Fleur Email Breakdown
Subject Line and Preview Text
The subject line was what first caught my eye in my inbox. Or, more specifically, the sparkly heart emoji did. Then, I had to open the email and see their new floral wrap dresses.

Above the Fold
The email opens with a beautiful image of their owner wearing the new dress against a lush natural background. It’s eye-catching and gorgeous. A few lines of text overlay the photo, telling you about their surprise product drop. It’s simple and could have been the whole email if they wanted.

Announcement Copy
Below the image are a few more paragraphs of copy telling you about their new product and a special subscriber-only coupon code. Again, it’s simple but effective.

Product Images
Okay, this is what really made me fall in love with this email. Rather than using plain images of their new dresses, they included GIFs showing the dresses in action! This helps readers see what the dress looks like and how it moves and drapes. They also include a button to shop each dress individually, saving you from having to scroll back to find the link.
How to Write an Email Like This
#1: Show Your Product in Action
Online shopping is a bit of a gamble. Looking at an image of an item doesn’t always tell us what it feels like, its weight, or how it acts in real life. With expensive products, like Son de Fleur’s dresses, we want to be especially confident about what we buy before we hand over our hard-earned cash.
Showing your customers what your products look like in real life helps them better visualize what it's like to own or use them. Use GIFs or short videos in your email to show real people holding, wearing, or interacting with your product. Make it look less like pixels on a screen and turn it into a physical item in their mind.
#2: Make Subscribers Feel Special
This email includes a unique code for the new items only available to subscribers. This makes the reader feel special and gives them more incentive to purchase the new product.
When launching a new product, include something special for your subscribers. A gift with purchase. A discount code. A bundle deal. It helps with sales and makes purchasing a new, unreviewed product less intimidating.
#3: Keep It Simple
This email only has a few paragraphs of text and three pictures. But that’s all it needs. It doesn’t go on and on about how great the new dresses are. It lets the pictures do the talking and keeps links and words to a minimum.
Just because your product is new doesn’t mean you need to write an essay about it. Instead, intrigue subscribers with your launch email and get them to click through the website for more information (and, hopefully, a sale).
#4: Use Eyecatching Emojis
The subject line's emoji was what initially caught my eye. Everyone uses the regular red heart emoji. The sparkly pink heart is rarer to see. (This one: 💖.) It got me to stop scrolling and read the entire subject line.
So, if you include an emoji in your next subject line, see if there’s an unusual one you can use. Don’t go crazy or use an obscure emoji nobody knows, but find something that catches attention while still relevant to your email.
#5: Place Codes Carefully
My one complaint with this email is where they placed their discount code announcements. The one in the paragraph under the picture is fine. It’s the bright red one at the top of the email that annoys me.
It distracts from the email and doesn’t make sense there. I haven't seen the dresses yet, so why would I care about a discount on your new products yet? I would have placed it under the final button to remind people they can get the gorgeous items they saw at a discounted price.
Think about where you place CTAs and codes. The beginning, middle, and end are generally great places. Just make sure the reader has actually seen the product before you include a CTA.
A product launch email doesn’t have to be fancy to be effective. Often, simpler is better, as this email shows. It’s all about carefully choosing the best elements to be most intriguing.
Are you interested in getting emails like this for your business? I’d love to work with you! Click the button below to learn more about my email services.